#SupportLocal : A strive towards the growth of Philippine's Farm Tourism Industry πŸ‘¨πŸ»‍🌾🌿

Hi there, fellow wanderlust!

    Have you ever pondered the fact the Philippines is blessed with such abundance when it comes to natural resources? Lush green plants, good cultivated soil, and numerous productions of luscious fruits and veggies? We, as Filipinos, agriculture and farming has always been one of our primary sources of national economy. And the fact that we have vast amounts of agricultural lands just means that it has the capability to debunk the unemployment rate of this nation. But, although we are already blessed with a diverse set of flora and fauna, I believe that proper utilization, cultivation, and management of it is still needed for it to reach sustainability whilst increasing employment among our fellow Filipino men.

The Farm Tourism Development Act of 2016 is actually one of the laws that recognizes the importance of agriculture upon sustaining & enhancing human lives here in the Philippines, while also providing jobs/livelihood towards the major population of the host communities. I am actually happy that this was amended, because the resources we have now will not just benefit the lives of us consumers, but the lives of those working behind the foods we have set on the table; Farmers, fisher folks, etc. I just hope that they get the pay/salary they deserve. 

But what exactly is Farm Tourism?

Farm tourism, as defined by law, is the practice of attracting visitors and tourists to farm areas for production, educational and recreational purposes. It involves any agricultural – or fishery – based operation or activity that brings to a farm visitors, tourists, farmers and fisherfolk who want to be educated and trained on farming and its related activities, and provides a venue for outdoor recreation and accessible family outings

    As the words itself suggests, it’s the combination of both the industry of farming and tourism to which our country is best at. The main point here is that the produced area for greeneries serves as the major tourist product to encourage and promote influx in visitation, may it be for those who want to unwind, experience nature and fruit-picking, for research studies, etc. 

    Together with the collaboration of different departments like DOT, DA, DTI, etc. and the participation of our local farmers, the Farm Tourism Strategic Action Plan was made possible. Through the said plan, different sets of programs, seminars, projects, and activities were conducted in order to foresee the growth of farm tourism in our country. The plan was not just for the aim of encouraging varied investors (Investment promotions and funding), and optimizing the said industry (Market promotion and development),  but it was also able to analyze its weaknesses and areas of development via Market Research, in order to provide resolutions and respond better to the demands of the market.

Now, my fellow wanderlust, Here are are some of the places you can go to if you wish to experience your Farm Tourism adventure in the Philippines!

    To end this, I just want to ask you to please support local! May it be our local farmers, our local food products, local bands, etc. because not just you were able to experience the essence of being a Filipino, but you were also able to help them earn and support their livelihood, their efforts, and the handworks they've been to, instead of those big and capitalistic enterprises who keep on exploiting their workers for the sake of profitability! Trust me, your simple purchase/ visit upon their shops/farms will surely make their day :)

That's it, #SupportLocal.  

Adios and Stay safe my fellow wanderlust! πŸ‚


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