Introduction 🔖

Name: Jane France B. Doblon
Age: 19 y/o
Nationality: Filipino
Occupation: Student
Course: BS Tourism Management

Hi there! I am Jane France B. Doblon, currently an undergraduate student of Ateneo De Naga University with the degree of BS Tourism Management, and an aspiring steward or ambassadress of Philippine's Tourism Industry. I've always been a wanderlust and as dramatic as it can get, I'm a soul-searcher too. I am fond of trying something new, and going to places that may or may not be peculiar to some. Not to make my introduction long, but this blog will contain my travel Experiences, tips and tourism-related data/ information, so come and Join me as I discover and study the field of tourism itself! 



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Know your rights! Have a glimpse on the laws on common carriers. ⚖️